Wise Mind is a core concept taught in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). This skill helps us develop and bridge the gap between the Emotion and Reason Mind. Wise Mind balances …
5 Essentials for the Good Life
Someone recently asked me what I believe are the five most essential components to “the good life.” A concept debated to exhaustion by the greatest philosophical minds, one would think …
Reflection & Response
As 2020 comes to an end, I wanted to take a moment to write about reflection and responding to the close of one year and the start of a new …
Two Simple Words
Of all the reasons one may choose to grab a seat on a therapist’s couch, the need to be heard and understood is never absent. All humans, no matter how …
Grief and Gratitude
This time of year often is filled with excitement, joy, and togetherness. But for a lot of us, it can equally be a difficult, dreaded, and lonely time of the …
How to Bounce Back
Let’s face it, life can be straight up hideous. It is filled with countless setbacks, mountainous obstacles, and so many failures we would need an accountant just to tally them …
E-Learning Support Tips
As a new school year rolls around and begins to take shape, many schools have opted to operate on an E-Learning or Hybrid model conducting education through virtual platforms. While …
5 All-Natural Anxiety Fighters
If you haven’t experienced the crippling sensation of anxiety, you haven’t lived. Anxiety is that beautiful, nauseating feeling that kicks in anytime your “fight or flight” response is activated, which …
Social Media & Secondhand Trauma
Social Media has become our greatest source for news and the most up-to-date information. It even allows us to have access to events as they are happening in real time. …
The Science of Love & Hate
If you asked a million different people to define love, you would be buried in a million different symphonies of collected words. It is a construct nearly impossible to define. …